The 29th edition of Urkult festival will take place on July 31st to August 2nd, 2025

Grytan foto Liam Johansson

Photo Liam Johansson

Urkult is a folk festival, a meeting place and a source of booming inspiration

Every year for three days – people from all over the world arrive in Näsåker to share and celebrate different cultures, music and crafts among the trees above the beautiful river Nämforsen. The festival program, apart from the concerts, include workshops, poetry slam, children’s theatre and a wide range of both exciting & educational activities for both children and adults. Local craftsmen and organic food are trusty features at Urkults market and festival area.

In the heart of the festival is an organic amphitheater grown and designed out of the ground framed by steep pine covered hillsides that are characteristic for the landscape along the river. Urkult is known for its opening ceremony the Night of Fire – a unique performance that is created by different artists every year. Often the performance include drums, song or instrumental music, dancing and storytelling – and is always centered around the element fire.

Do as people have done for thousands of years and experience this place for yourself!









Ban on large bags during the festival! Read more under Q & A


Urkult affisch 2025 Lina Karlsson

Affichiste 2025 Lina Karlsson


Slowgold, Tamikrest and Ranarim

Slowgold, Tamikrest and Ranarim

SLOWGOLD Humble and grounded rock music with poetic lyrics in Swedish. Amanda Werne, from Gothenburg, writes music that will make you stop and listen to the breathe in the eternity for a little while. With dreamy singing and distorted guitars she enthralls the...

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Nordcirkus and Christian Cuadra produces the Night of Fire

Nordcirkus and Christian Cuadra produces the Night of Fire

The Night of Fire is Urkults inauguration ceremony and takes place during Thursday. The show can contain everything from dance to acrobatics to poetry and music, in an artsy composition that all orbit around the element fire. The Night of Fire is different every year....

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With support from:

Swedish Arts Council